It has been a year full of blessings and some days of sadness. I have been so blessed to be retired and enjoying life in the slow hurry.........just get up, drink my coffee and spend time with the Lord!!!
One bright star this years has been our first grandchild.......14 months old, Jackson, the delight of our lives. We have been blessed to keep him 2-3 days a week for the first 7 months of his life and what a privilege that has been! I have read to him, prayed over him, sang to him and in general evoked God's blessings over this child of His. Only eternity will tell what great things God has in place for Jackson, and what a mighty man of God he will rise up to be.
In September, Carl retired and what a great time this has been.. Wasn't sure how that was going to work out with both of us being at home, but it's been fun. His recent bout with a kidney stone has kept us praying and waiting.
Was privileged to lead a Bible Study in our home this fall, on the book of Mark, what a great study and what a wonderful group of ladies.
My focus for the new year is to spend more time in concentrated prayer, memorization of the Word, and to be open and ready for whatever He ask me to do. I want to be sitting on go when He speaks!!! My answer is yes~ Will read the Bible through, which I do every other year.
Psalm 91 is a study I have just embarked on and again found it to be full of covenant promises. God spoke to my heart with this passage of scripture when I had breast cancer and again I find myself studying each line carefully,seeking for any nuggets that I might have missed four years ago.
What does 2011 hold for me? God in His infinite Wisdom is the only one that knows the answer to that question, but I do know and am confident of this, HE Holds Me and that's enough!!!
"From Underneath the Same Wing"